Thursday, January 22, 2009

My life for...

Reading the news in Asia is very entertaining. Today, the headline read: "Mr. Chu has direct clandestine connection to Obama." Mr. Chu is Taiwan's treasury secretary and the article mentioned Larry Summers, President Obama's top economic advisor. Then, the reporter built the story on how Mr. Summers once visited Taiwan, thirteen years ago, and played tennis with Mr. Chu.

And guess what the article said about Mr. Summer's impression of Taiwan? He thought that we're inconsistent at playing tennis. All because Mr. Chu had sent Taiwan's top tennis player to coddle him. Mr. Summers said, "He kept missing my easy serves and saving my impossible shots."

Yes, this is how the reporter in Taiwan thinks we have a direct connection to the Obama administration. Mr. Chu's ever so brilliant decision to manage Mr. Summer's love for tennis paved the path to a beautiful economic relationship with Taiwan and the US.

Mr. Maa, please start practice missing your jump shot. Or at least get someone in the NBA. China already has Yao and Yi...and I'm sure if they play Obama, they're ready to lose for the greater good.


  1. Hahahahahahaha... but we don't have monstrously tall people!
    My brother!!!!

  2. LMAO. Man that's an awesome post. You forgot one thing though. Obama is black, and therefore the first president that might not need to be coddled in basket ball.
