Saturday, January 3, 2009

city shots

Went to the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall today so I'll try to get those pictures posted too.  The models there?  Orgasmic.

My coworker's desk.  Really.  Not my desk.  

Well, at least this'll justify the Orc Shaman that I'm going to place on my desk.

And here, Dunkin' Donuts is a three star restaurant specializing in steak au poivre.  Mais non, I believe they serve the same glazed morsels of delayed death here.

I can't help but think that they only tattoo prison breaking maps here.  "What?  You're sentenced to the Bao Shan prison?  Don't worry, we've got the latest facility remodeling blueprints.  It takes a lot of surface area though, so don't be shy!"

CNY should be fun.


  1. AHahahahaa hello kitty.... awesome.
    You'll end up with a few on your desk whether you like it or not

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tried to edit previous comment but managed to delete it... sorry, new to these comment styles :P

    Was saying:
    JW's spotted "his" Kiki on your coworker's desk; he's not impressed that it's been decapitated though.
    As for your desk, I'm surprised you didn't request a Han Solo carbonite desk in your contract!
