Wednesday, February 8, 2012

F&F week

F&F Goals of the Week: Forbidden Trail and Fondue!

52 weeks in a year; I wonder if I can assign a fun theme to each week.  Last week was Pestilence & President.  The week before...CNY & Courtship?  Should be fun to draw a visual calendar at the end of the year.

Anyway, Forbidden Trail!  Love the name and the story isn't bad either.  Edgar Allen Poe described it: "Now the Wissahiccon is of so remarkable a loveliness that, were it flowing in England, it would be the theme of every bard, and the common topic of every tongue..."

I saw a few deer, some horses, and plenty of people seeking quiet and solace from the city.  At one part of the creek, I was only three meters away from another man before I noticed him.  He was so still and blended with the scenery, even though he was wearing colorful clothing.

The hot sausage I got from a food truck at the end was lovely too.  Just the right amount of spice.  Ahhh.

Now on to the next challenge of the week!  Fondue~! (say it with a french chef's voice.)

For the menu so far, I've come up with:

Chocolate Pot: Apple, grape, banana, pineapple, marshmallow, cream puff and cheesecake

Cheese Pot: Apple, grape, sourdough bread, cocktail sausage, broccoli, mini potatoes, and mushrooms

Oil Pot (Bourguignonne, hon hon hon!) : Beef (tenderloin, sirloin), lamb, chicken, prawn

Sauces: Mushroom, mustard, black pepper, curry, ginger plum, teriyaki

Oh, and I should probably have two types of wine and side dishes (one salad, one starch) to go with this.  Hmm.

The second challenge seems infinitely harder...

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