Friday, September 30, 2011

Spotify Thoughts

I find myself sad thinking that one day Ani will be gone.  The sadness is just for me and I wonder if it's due to my limited imagination.  That I won't think she lived her life fulfilled?  That I'll always want more for someone like her?  That I wanted to have someone like her in my life?  That I'm clinging on to her like a sunset?

After a few more verses, it's clear that she understood she has time.  And has SO MUCH to show for it.  And so much presence.  Like that ex you can never truly hate or fail to become friends with.

That smile.


  1. I wish I knew what Ani you were talking about.

  2. That was my assumption. But we all know what happens when one assumes...

  3. We do, you take a chance and hit it spot on or you miss and trust the other person to correct you so your future assumptions get more and more accurate.

    Proactive. It does the mind good.
