Wednesday, May 6, 2009

quasi quiddidative quotidian quotes

"A gentleman is simply a patient wolf."

"Sex appeal is the outer evidence of deep interest in your partner's is the way you give...when you give."

"Food, sex, and bath is all you need to look good, smell good, and feel good."


  1. I like the first one a lot. It actually inspired me to go look it up and I came across this:

    "To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all."

    Which is pretty funny in a painfully true kinda way.

  2. Whaaat? If you can understand women, you have the answers to all life's mysteries. Is that not worth trying for?

  3. Nah... what fun would life be if you knew all the mysteries? Sounds boring to me.

  4. "Is that not worth...dying for?"
    The third Matrix sucked, but Morpheus' quote stuck with me, for some reason.

    Also, the first quote was actually translated from something my coworker said. Is there an actual saying out there?

    I like what Mike found though. I find that women can get all the understanding they need from their friends, but they need the solid dependable love from a guy. As for a guy, if a girl can't understand how fragile our ego is, all the love in the world won't help.

  5. I can explain it all!!!

    Women: PMS = emotional turmoil/solution = support/love/hugs

    Men: "Manliness" = internal complexes/solution = psych majors!(nice)/women in general

  6. And a SUPER creepy one:
    "Death ends a life, not a relationship."

  7. James i like how your blog entries become like a forum!

  8. The three coolest people though.

    I love that the solution to emotional turmoil is support, love, and hugs. I wish I lived in a world where any emotional scarring could be overcome by a good hug. That sounds so... nice.

  9. It can be!
    Eg. Gaara: all he needed was a mother's love.
    Sylar: all he needed was a mother's love.
    Street fighter Legend of Chun Li: All M. bison needed was his daughter's love
    Joker: Needed a psychiatrist. But maybe a mother's love would have made him different!
    All hitler needed was a hug:

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh dude!!!! I posted like 2 other quotes...before the creepy one..where'd they go?

  12. Edit: All Gaara needed was teenage boy love.
    Sylar needed love from China (nobody is special, fool!)
    Street fighter Legend of Ch-what? Seriously, what? I'm speechless because if they're telling me Bison needed his daughter's love...I am not watching this movie.
    Joker needs a man dressed like a bat in spandex.
    And Hitler? Oh without him, we wouldn't have first person shooters shooting Nazis. And where would OUR childhood be? We'd end up turning into Hitlers!!

  13. wai-wait-wait. What????
    Stupid ruining my solutions to world happiness!

  14. Yeahh Legend of Chun-Li was... awful.... there is a lesbian scene though.

  15. Sadly it takes more than one lesbian scene to make up for a bad movie. I... I wish that weren't true.

  16. Ugh speaking of bad movies... i just watched dragon ball evolution last night.... AWFUL. Even though i think it scored better than legend of Chun-Li on rotten tomatoes, i think this was far worse. And no lesbian scene to make up for it. But Jamie Chung is sexier than KK at least.
    I had to finish the rest of season 4 of HIMYM to expunge it from my mind and clearly it still hasn't worked!

  17. Between the Oscars and the Summer is when retail viewers get kicked in the crotch, repeatedly. And we're expected to like it. But there are decent tv shows to tide us over, so it's not all bruised balls blue.
    Star Trek is out this weekend; we can all go on the Star Trek Movie Marathon (ALL TEN!)

  18. Star Trek was surprisingly awesome.

  19. There are 10 movies? I really like Startrek too! I'm tempted to watch the next gen series now.

    I also can't do the naked thing in my apt cuz i don't have curtains...and my roommates are my brother, and a dude friend.

  20. Lol. I don't usually go full naked, just boxes. It's so liberating.

  21. I wouldn't know :( I can't walk around topless or bottomless with a dude roommate. Did i already mention i have no curtains either?
    How was the mac-prank?? Did it work???

  22. The mac prank was one of those pranks that worked too well. John Daly went from confused to angry way too fast so I had to just switch it back. =(

    No fun.

  23. Great prank though. I'll have to save it to use again, hopefully with better results.

  24. If i find a more harmless shortcut i shall let you know! Hahaha i still wishi knew whyt his shortcut exists

  25. What exactly happened anyway?
    Everything is still fully functional. I would be more confused than angry... unless you pretended to break it?

  26. Mike, i saw this shirt and was totally like... this is somethign i could see mike wearing:

    Then you have to read the comments that follow!!!

  27. oh man Jamie. Those reviews are hilarious. I was laughing out loud. Now everyone in my office is reading them as well.

    Also, to clarify, that is very much like something I'd wear in middle school. I'm not sure I own any shirts with full print designs like that anymore.

  28. Hahahaha i feel like you wore 'em in highschool somewhat... no?
    You don't have your yoda shirt anymore????
    Sadly, or awesomely, i only see you wearing printed shirts... like that one.
    I can see james and white.
    with funky prints on the shirts.

  29. jaaaaamES! where are you? There's a small percent chance i end up in shanghai nxt year. Are you still gonna be there?

  30. No no no no no no no no no no no.

    Both to you leaving Jamie and James still being there.


  31. When james and i were in NYC where were you? IF james and i are in shanghai, you should come too!

    (that rhymes!)

  32. When James and you were in NYC I visited quite often. If you move to Shangai you might as well put our relationship in a coffin. =)

  33. JAMES!? WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING ME OUT HERE!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?

    But i don't mean visit i mean take a semi-long vacation.

  34. How long is a semi-long vacation?

    Also I think James has abandoned us both.

  35. Seriously. :( Part of me has forgotten that this is james' blog.
    Semi-long vacation = a year or so?
    Think we can lure him back with a trail of food/games/girls?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Bet you're wondering what that was

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Oh two can play at this game. 3 if james joins in!


    I concede. Apparently I'm much more curious than you are.

  42. UP was awesome... DOUG THE DOG = <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 x infinity. I LOVE THE DOG! I was a little disappointed by the movie, but i was by all my favorite pixars at first, but the more i watched them the more the little funnies grew on me.

    So what WAS that deleted msg about? NOW i have to wonder.

  43. I can't wait to see it. I'm going with some people tomorrow. Of of the guys already saw it and says it's one of the best movies he's ever seen.

  44. I got word from our beloved Lee that the great firewall has banned him from his very own blogger, hence his absence. But he has assured me that he hasn't forgotten us. YAY!

  45. The dog is like a drug! I can't stop thinking about seeing all the dog scenes as soon as it comes out on dvd....

    Doug <3: "I hid under your porch because i love you"
    "please be my prisoner?"

  46. Yeah, I heard about that pesky Great Firewall of China as well. I guess it's up to us to keep the blog message board warm until his return.

    I'm also going to ask some of the hacker guys I work with if they know of a way he could get around it.

  47. He totally knows how to go around the stupid firewall with a simple proxy.
    He's just doesn't love us enough to come back :(

  48. Yeah... I did tell him about proxies like six months ago. Lame.

  49. I feel like I'm a secret agents traveling back in time.

    I only have a very limited amount of time here, but I have messages to deliver.

    Jamie: I'm in Shunde, which is two hours away from Hong Kong. If you're taking long vacations, go to Hong Kong. It seems to be more awesome. In fact, I'm in HK right now and the fact that Blogger works is more awesome.

    Mike: Your company needs to grow exponentially faster. I know it's already growing at warp speed 11, but it NEEDS an Asian base with YOU heading it. I'm not sure WHY your company would need reason for Asian Expansion, but I'm sure you can find something in Starcraft to explain your cause.

  50. Remember! We're all stardust!

  51. MMMeh being in cities is still wearing on me. I never really liked HK to be honest. It always seemed very big and intimidating..and a bit unfriendly. And I don't have a significant other in HK to make it worth it :P

    But how long you be in HK? Are you here for the weekend or for vacay?

  52. I'm here for the weekend and I'm heading back to Shunde tonight.

    So why are you taking a long vacay? (if you get to go anywhere in the world, why not travel to other exotic places?)

    Shanghai or HK will probably just wear you out even more.

  53. Awww man. I was away from my computer all weekend and now I'm super sad I missed my one shot at James blog communication.

    Jamie: I agree with James. You should take a vacation somewhere remote and exotic. If you live in NYC, it really seems pointless to vacation in other big cities.

  54. I missed a trip to Costa Rica :((((( BOOOOOOHOOOZ
    all the rainforests! All the birds!! All the beaches!! all the animals!!

  55. You missed a trip to Costa Rica?

    Also this post officially makes this entry the one with the most comments on it. Woot record!

  56. W00t!!!
    Yes i missed a CR trip :(
    T'was a sad sad day.
    But carol chuang just got married!!
    And I saw a skinny dan!


  58. Wow... even with step by step instructions that seems pretty daunting. As much as I'd love to come into a daily nerf fight at my office wearing that... I just don't think I have the skills.

  59. really? never say never! make a ghetto one at least!
    oh holy crap i just looked at it...yeah it is...rather difficult. But think of how BADASS it would be!

  60. Lol... Speaking of insane "do it yourself" projects.

  61. Hahahaa that's about as easy as:

  62. ...well no actually i take that back..mine would be much easier, but i would loove to have both!

  63. Maybe i'd rather have mine...cuzi can't drive well. Iwent gokarting yesterday (first time was with you guys) and i still suck. i was last!

  64. holy freaking crap. Jus tlooking over it again..that's an insane thing to build. I woudln't even know where to begin..and 50-70K????????????????????? Where does one find the time and money to do that?

  65. I know right!? That guy must have some kind of awesome job with loads of free time and cash. The most amazing part would be driving it around. Can you imagine rolling down your block in that? Plus I bet you'd be pulled over by a cop every 5 meters. Can you ever get a license for something like that? So many questions.

  66. Seriously... would it even fit in a regular car lane? I can see him trying to go down a narrow street and just crushing the surrounding cars!

    I kind of wish i could build stuff... like just sit down and create a chair... or a car or...something!

  67. I wish I could build stuff too. One of the artists at my job is like Mr. Craftsman and he can make anything out of anything else. I'm so jealous.

  68. So he could make like... a shuriken out of kleenex?

  69. He sounds more like a master alchemist to me!

  70. He totally is a master alchemist. He's actually the one that sent me the batman car link. Some other exploits are him modding our nerf guns into railguns, fixing our pull-up bar to be handy cap accessible, and building his own house out of clouds and toothpaste.

  71. Man i've been reading 'the alchemist' over the weekend and i love it!
    ALMOST as much as world war z
    Do you think he could engineer me a unicorn? Or..alchemise? I don't care if it it means he has to jsut tape a horn onto a horse dyed pink!

  72. Hahaha happy 1 month + 1 day to our commentaries on this single blog entry.

  73. Lol. This comment thread rules.

    It's funny that you should mention "The Alchemist". My boss recommended it to me and it's sitting on my desk at work right now. You're extra motivation really makes me want to actually take it home now.

  74. Whoa! Really?
    Hahah Maktub, it is written!

    You must read it, for the universe is conspiring to help you realize your destiny. And that is TO READ THE ALCHEMIST!!!

  75. My gosh it's actually tiring to scroll down all this way!

  76. Lol. So true. I love showing people this entry. Sometimes I'll be leaving a comment at work and someone will come by and ask what I'm up to. And I'll show them the 6 line blog entry followed by hundreds of lines of comments. Awesome. =)

  77. AHAHAHAHA that are not even related to the post.
    And has really dwindled to just two people.
    We are sooo cool!

    Read the alchemist yet?

  78. Nah I haven't gotten to it yet. I'm still in the middle of another book, and I don't like cheating.

    It'll definitely be the next thing on my list though. I also bought Malcolm Gladwell's Blink recently. Have you heard of that?

  79. I wonder if there's a comment limit...

  80. "Anything for you, magical fat faced talking pinata."

  81. Blink? By the guy who wrote the tipping point? I actually couldn't finish that book. I found it... really boring actually... so I didn't planon reading blink but lemme know how it is.

  82. This lab is so cold my fingers are going stiff.

  83. I can really only hear Peter Griffin saying that random sentence about pinatas.

  84. It's totally from Sealab... I miss that show.

    Still haven't gotten to Blink either. I'll let you know. We could just enjoy very different styles of non-fiction though.

  85. Well either way i haven't read it. It's probably not bad. Actually haha when ppl quote the tipping point i'm always like "wow really?" and they say "yeah i read it in the tipping point" and i'm alwas like.. "oh... wait..but i read that....why don't i remember it?"

  86. On an unrelated note. Just watched HP 6. I like it!

  87. I wish I went to hogwarts :( (well not now when the deatheaters are taking over... but in general, Voldemort return aside)

  88. Eh, I know the HP universe really has that "I wish I could be in that world" sort of appeal to it (especially in the non-Voldermort era), but if I could exist in any fantasy universe I don't think I'd pick that one. Too many silly rules and Wizards are just too cooky.

    You know... the more I think of it there probably isn't really any other universe I'd want to be in. Those worlds are always designed with so much conflict to make the movie/book/game interesting. I'm kinda happy just living outside that whole constant terror thing.

  89. Now I can't stop thinking that there has to be a fictional world I'd want to live in.

    I'd like to be a Dragonball Character but I wouldn't want to deal with constantly having to defend earth.

    I'd like to be a vampire who's transcended his bloodlust but I don't want to be hunted by either bad vampires or vampire hunters.

    It would be cool to be a superhero minus all the responsibility with villains.

    All the fantasy worlds as so war torn... all the sci-fi ones are really dangerous. Maybe I should think more about comedy worlds? Do those even exist?

    Maybe I'm just too picky but I kind of like being a programmer who occasionally climbs rocks, plays a lot of video games, and has a lot of fun just hanging out with his friends.

  90. If you want to see someone make a confused/baffled face you can say:

    Bing is a really interesting search engine. They won't be able to get any traction unless they make an Internet Browser to compete with Google Chrome.

  91. Man... those were some long posts. Long day at work. =(

  92. Post 100 needs to be some epic ASCII art.

  93. Wow your thoughts are extremely ADD. Well hmm now i have to think about an ideal world. I'm SURE there is a nicely balanced one that isn't all about conflict.

  94. I just really like the idea of going to a school of magic. Plus the harry potter world has this wacky old-school appeal.

  95. Too wacky in my opinion. You know I wouldn't mind living in the Ender's Game universe post Ender's Game itself. And being a WWZ survivor would be pretty badass, maybe someone on the dog squad who's dog makes it.

  96. Awww yeah dog squad = <3
    Though I myself would def be too scared to fight a zombie...and i'd probably lose all my hair worrying a zombie would get my dog.
    maybe i'd be one of those survivors who help garden or something basic like that.

  97. Well that's a heck of a lot better than being a survivor than offs themselves when the war is over. That chapter was so sad.

  98. Check out this hand made drawing of Milla Jovovich:

    Once you can draw THAT well, where do you even go from there? Man... I wish I had that kind of talent.

  99. HOW IS THAT A DRAWING???????

  100. and one... on the last one.
    This one is actually 102.
    DANG! JAMES! I dont 'know whether to feel like you should REALLY make an update, or you should just NEVER update again.

  101. Lol. He could hit a happy medium where instead of updating with new blogs, he just posts really long comments on this entry.


    Best... prank... ever.

    If you really really hate the person. Not to do to someone you actually like.

  103. I take it back. I think James should update like normal. I wouldn't want to ruin the integrity of this comment thread by artificially prolonging it. I'd like to say it happened naturally.

  104. JAMESLEE2003!!!
    Hahaha...i don't know why i wrote that..oh wait i totally know why.. and

    For some reason the prank won't load, but i have a feeling i can guess what it's about.

    If i ever hated someone that much, i'd still not want them to know it was me. Now how do you slip someone a dissolvable bikini?

  105. Two ways immediately come to mind, one is if you're patient you could just wait till they're wearing a similar looking bikini and do a swap when they're not looking.

    The other would be to steal their bikini when you're on the beach or at the pool. Then help them look for it like you're not sure where it could have gone. Then "remember" that you happen to have a spare in your car from that trip you went on before they could borrow.

  106. But what if i don't want them to know it was me. I guess i'd have to go with option #1.
    Plus it's kind of gross to wear someone else's bikini. It's like wearing someone else's underwear

  107. I can't believe Ozzy is playing an Blizzcon.

  108. I can't believe blizzcon is over.

  109. I can't believe I'm up at 3:30... wait no I can totally believe that. I can't believe I doubted my nocturnal abilities.

  110. Is it just me or is commenting on this entry starting to fail a lot?

  111. It's just you. James and I are adding TONS of private comments you can't read. =(

  112. < //3
    it's suddenly so cold and lonely in here

  113. Just discovered you can't actually put < / 3 sans spaces...weeeeeyerrrddd.

  114. WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR HALLOWEEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  115. I've been having that problem myself. I really wanna dress up this year. I was thinking of being Altair from Assassin's Creed would be so much fun, but it would be so much work to make a good costume.

  116. I want to dress up too, just to show people in Shunde there are more costumes other than witches/devil/angel.
    What's a good one that already has the person wearing a suit?
    Altair the original? Or the new renaissance version? Either way, there are a few sites with pre-made stuff:

  117. Huh... that costume looks like it's made outta plastic. I wish there were more details listed. There's no way I'd shell out $350 for a costume I can't try on in real life or at least see pages of details about.

  118. Wow... Assassin's Creed costumes are crazy expensive. I've looked up a bunch after checking out your link. I think I'm going to have to start looking for something else.

  119. Huh, I guess it's because Altair has all these crazy details. Why don't you ask Jamie to check out that Halloween place we went to in New York (near Union Square), with all the costumes? I think she might be going there anyway. Or you can give them a call and ask. They probably have some cheaper alternatives.

  120. As much as that sounds like a good idea, Jamie and I have a great record of not being able to coordinate any kind of hanging out.

    I think I'll just have to self my dreams and think up a simpler costume.

  121. You know what this one blog entry basically is? It's a group blog. We should make a group blog where all three of us can make entries and comment on them all. I think that would be a lot of fun.

  122. Have you guys seen this commercial?

    So much fun.

  123. That was a great commercial. I really can't wait until video games breaks all stigmas and has businessmen/doctors/politicians chatting about the latest and greatest gaming they've been doing lately. Sure, it might be worrisome for some people to know that our leaders aren't 100% focused on their job, but I prefer that over boozing, drugs, and whoring.

    Also, hell yes to the blog. Jamie, here's your baby step to a webcomic.

    Round 1 begins with a blog name and possible avatar names. Go!



    yes... so it hink i'm goign to be chun li for halloween...unfortunately my costume is going to be crazy shitty quallity...but i guess it's the group effort that counts.

    Oh gad! I'm finally starting to get settled into new apt FINALLY, so if anyone wants to visits i finally have space/room. Well..not yet, i have yet to go to ikea and buy a bed.

    A group weblog? That sounds like a modern day version of those middle school diaries that we shared with friends. AWESOME!

    Speaking of not awesome... HIMYM has been surprisingly disappointing this season! I'm considering watching Glee and Modern family.

  126. Commenting on all external links:

    Costume - crazy!

    Commercial - that'd be a great flash mob idea.

    Blog name what? - I'm going to actually start a website website... maybe i could host a real thingy for fun, plus it'd be good practice for me...but it'll be uber ugly at first.

  127. Kitty is doing well. She's staying with my assistant and she loves it there. She may disown me.

    Oh Jamie, if you're going to be Chun Li, you need bigger thighs. And which version are you going as? The alpha version is the easiest to pull off, but you lose the iconic shoulder pads/flashing skirt.

    Ikea? Bed? DEJA VU??!

    About HIMYM, I don't know if it's really falling flat or not. It would be interesting to see how each episode tested with different demographics, because the range of topics on that show seems to draw in a variety of audiences but it also doesn't try to resonate with everyone, every episode.

    Oh crap, I have to go pack.

  128. Haaaa we're going as SF4...but i guess as the most generic characters.
    I think I will be the only very obviously street fighter person in the group.
    GAH!!! I won't have big enough hair buns either. I'll have to stuff my buns withsocks or someting.

    Post pics of kit now?
    Where you packing to go?

  129. Just a passing thought regarding the gentleman = patient wolf dawned on me...odd as in the last 5 months those quotes haven't insired much thot in me until today...but anyway

    i don't know if it's necessarily a bad thing to have some savage animal energy. Isn't it just basic psychology: id vs superego?
    You have the baser animal instincts that drive us to live and seek things, and the superego to prevent us from going overboard, with the ego to moderate the two?

  130. I guess all i mean is without the wolf, all you're left with is some boring stuffy dude.

  131. unless by wolf you mean something more sinister.
    in which case, just change out wolf for vampire.... and suddenly it all becomes appealing.

  132. I think the quote is going more for: All guys pretend to be friendly and caring but mostly they're just predators with their eyes for the hunt. And I don't think there's really anyway that's a good thing.

    Of course there's nothing wrong with having a passionate side. I think that would be considered a good thing by most people.

    I love how you're so in the twilight mythos that vampire is more appealing than wolf. I think in most *normal* worlds vampire is much much worse than any regular animal.

  133. But you can fall in love with a beautiful immortal being rather than be eatten. Whereas with a wolf you're probably just going to be eatten.

  134. See... with the hundreds of vampires from before the twilight series you're still just going to be eaten...

  135. Unless I meet with Vampire Brad Pitt and he turns me out of sympathy... or love....either way :P.


    I'm updating to windows 7...takign FOR-EH-VER!
    Forevah and evah you stay in my heart and i will love you forevah ..togethar?
    It's how we should be
    To live without you would onlee be heartbreak for meeeeEEEeeeEEE~
    But i am excited

  137. I wish I had Windows 7. Mostly I'm just too lazy to buy it.

    Also this is the best image ever!

  138. So i went to a starwars concert cuz my friend's friend flaked out last minute. (His cat died)
    If not for these flakers (with good reason) I would get chances to do go to these concerts...or blizzcon :P

  139. It's...9:30 am...and i cannot sleep @_@

    I had some coffee and diet coke......a few hours ago....

  140. So... you've were up until 9:30am? Or you woke up a few hours ago and had some coffee and diet coke and haven't been able to go back to sleep?

    When exactly was a few hours ago? I'm confused...

  141. Yay hordes!

    Clarification: I was up til 9:30 cuz i had some coffee and diet coke at like 5pm. And as the week progressed it got worse.
    But i recently fixed it!
    I slept at 3 (earliest i've slept in like 2 weeks) and woke up at 6:30!

    I'll probably be dead tired tonight, but it's good to be somewhat back on schedule.

  142. It's taken me THIS long to sign back to blogger! Taiwan 1, China 0.

    That twilight blade picture just earned my hyena laugh. Oh man, they also just came out with an ultra-realistic blade action figure. I should totally create a panorama with that picture as my blueprint.

    Man, I just realized that it's a lot harder to play games at home. Such judgmental eyes piercing from behind.

  143. Speaking of horde symbol, JAMES I HAVE A HORDE SYMBOL FOR YOU!

  144. That sounds like it's missing something... like a bunch line.

  145. Lol... Apparently I was signed into gmail as my brother and posted that comment. Also bunch = punch.

  146. Oh HAHAHA wow no wonder that made no sense at all....oh noes is this thread dying!?!?!??!

  147. Mike! I found co-workers who go rock climbing! I might go with them sometime!
