Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homeland Security

I feel so much safer knowing that my cat shares my sentiments.

Oh yeah, she went at that thing for a good 30 mins.  I eventually took it away...but I think she can go at it indefinitely.

I'd be so scared if I was smaller than her.


  1. Omg...she's so cute. OMG! I want to pet her and love her! Aw man. If I visit in a few month's she won't be as tiny anymore!

  2. AAAANd that's what she said to "I think she can go at it indefinitely"

  3. Well it's easier for women to go at it indefinitely than men.

  4. You know.. i've thought for hours upon hours. I think the perfect name would be... *drum roll*........ Jamie

  5. Hahah she does look liek she had paint splattered over her bottom half


  7. I second the nomination for more pictures and more videos

  8. I third the nomination with a side order of more free time. Also, my office is currently under the attack of our new Regional Director. Her aggro radius is tiny, but her patrol path is huge. And I'm CCed. I need a raid (blog update) schedule.

  9. Haha i was just thinking if she were a boy, i'd suggest Spotty Pippen. Hahaha corny i know, but she's so freaking spotty... and..umm..scottie pippen is...a giant...and not at all cute.... and umm... THEY BOTH HAVE GREAT HANG TIME! Then you'd need a jordan pooch and they be like thunder and lightning!
    OR she can be kobe cuz he's kinda tiny and get abull dog and name him shaq

  10. I guess i should first ask how her current name is working out? :D

  11. Mike you should start blogging too

  12. My last scramble of letters for the word verification was "Bustie" seriously?

  13. I would but I'm too busy trying to help set a record on James' blog for most comments on a single entry.

  14. HAhahahaha I think i've single handedly broken the record

  15. After watching the video yet AGAIN I realized I never watched it all the way to the end. Towards the middle I'd feel the urge to leave a comment and never fnish the clip.
    And Oh my god! We see james' face! And we also see his lips move but hear nothing.
    How about SBD.. small but deadly.

    Whoa what the hell.. that's a website name:

    How about Yoda... cuz they're both SBD
    How about Pikmin, Pikachu, Ness, Sonic, Link, Zelda, Mario, Peach, Ooh how about Lady like lady and the tramp. Although she's still young.

    You know what comes most to mind when i see her spots is the tortoise pattern of spots.
    Ninja Turtle?
    Donatello, Michaelangelo, Rafael, Leonardo?
    Dolce & Gabana?
    Mona Lisa?

    I was googling some famous Renaissance women names... i came across some pretty unfortunate oes:
    • Aelfgifu
    • Aelfled
    • Aelfthryth
    • Aethelflaed

  16. Whoa i left you a whole nother entry!

  17. Ahh i remember I was thinking of Lady Death Strike on my walk home w/ the crappy Katsu Don...except that's kind of a mouthful then you'll revert to just calling her Cat... or lady?

  18. My vote is still for Spotty Pippen :P

  19. Wow James. You just got so many cat suggestions to choose from. You'd have to be some kinda jive turkey to not have that thing named now.

  20. Agreed. SPOTTY PIPPEN?
    Or splotty?
    THat's KIND of a mouthful...
    dotty pippen...hahaha
    HOTTIE pippen. Hahaha..oh dear...

  21. Pippi, Gringo, Orochimaru, Kyubi, Apple, Mac, Nifty, Latika, Cat, Katherine, Katie, Katiana, Dork, Dude, Dudette, Raistlin, Caramon...ahhh i keep forgetting she's a chick, Tika, Laurana, Goldmoon, The white mage who became blind in the end..
    ooh dare i? I dare: Stephenie (like stephenie meyer and you have a history with various spellings of this name)

  22. Some fine lines are being trampled all over in this entry. Bella? I doubt everyone is keen on sharing their name. Stephenie? Is her name spelled with an E at the end? No, I shall pass on that too. Spotty Pippen is a mouthful. I seem to like Nikki. Can we stick with short double syllable words that end with an "ie" sound?

    By the way, a jive turkey sounds like some bird that's anxious to be eaten by me.

  23. I'm all grace, what can i say? (:P honestly sorry if i did trample to hard it was just too tempting)

    Jive rhymes with 5...so it makes me think of those turkeys we made out of our five fingers in lower school.

    I think hikki is cute still, miki, kiki..hahaaa...
    I actually think bella would work. Hey doesn't izzy technically share a name with bella? She just took the first half and bella took the second half.

    Mimi, JamIE, Tink...yeah what about tinkerbell? Tinkerbell is tiny and a fiery little biatch. (she has a cute tush too... i'm not perving on a disney character, they point it out in peterpan AND the tinkerbell movie)
    Tink is cute too? Though Tinkie sounds a tad weird.

  24. Nala, Yzma, Padme... umm Obi wan kenobi, qai gon jinn, count dooku, darth maul, darth vader, darth sidius? Cid, Yuffie, Rikku, Ayane, Kasumi, Angelo, Piazza, Fiore, Fleur de lis, San Valentino, amici, uno, otto, nove, cinquanta, ringo, hitachi, ichiban, Leadah, fois gras, escargot, nessie..

  25. Eira is a Welsh girls name meaning snow.
    (pronounced eye-rah, just like Ira)
    I have two relatives called this.

  26. (oops copied that from someone's post)

  27. How about ... name her.."dirty snow"
    cz really she reminds me of something that's pure, but tainted?? Hahaa...

    how about welsh for "dirty snow" it's got that japanese idea of the beauty of things being imperfect... wabi sabi?

  28. oh hey:
    Gwyneira (pronounced "Gwin-eye-ra") is a Welsh girl's name which means "Snow white"! Gwyn is Welsh for White. Eira means snow. Eira is also used as a girl's name on its own.

    Didn't you say you liked gwen?

  29. Okay. Did a google search:

    1. Here's my male cat Lumi Lika (finnish name, means dirty snow)

    2. Can Xue means “dirty snow that won’t melt.”

    3. neige sale means dirty snow (french)

    4. Baedda Bwrw Eira (this is what i get for welsh for dirty snow)

    Okay im gonna stop cuz i know you're not going to use any of these!

  30. I liked all the Dragonlance names. I think you should name her Kitiara. =)

  31. Oh wow i can't believe i MISSED that one!

  32. haha i just realized... i've posted like a bajillion comments, and if you go with mike's ONE suggestion I'm goign to have to throw myself out a window

    even though i think it's a really good one.

  33. Yeah. What to do.

    Awesome name for cat but Jamie goes out the window.

    Or Jamie stays and posts a bajillion more comments and cat may get an even more awesome name?

    Kitiara IS a flexible name too. Kitiara. Kitti. Kit. Ki. K.


  34. And kitiara was rather..catty and dangerous and sexy.
    I want to play Dota...
    I dont' want to diarrhea names anymore unless you can help me narrow the search

  35. Dota is pretty sweet. I never got a chance to play the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" version in Taiwan. That must be pretty great too.

    I think at 40 comments, we should stop the diarrhea of names. I'll print the whole list out tonight and see which one she responds to.

  36. CUTE!!!


    i can just see it now... you're cat is going ignore all of them and forever be known as "cat"

  38. Awwwww... those polar bears are sweet. They'd make such awesome little hats.

  39. We've been playing tons of dota at work. What a great game. I love the venomancer.

  40. The comment thread on this post is too epic. I refuse to let it die just because you've made a new post.

  41. I want to play dota, but i don't want to be yelled at. Is such a thing possible?
    I don't have 12 friends who can play dota simultaneously.

    And i will certainly miss this comments page!

    James why don't you attach ALL future edits onto THIS entry?????????????????

  42. Did you know you can download a dota mod map where you can add computer AI? They're actually really really good.

    We don't have 12 people at work either. Really just four dedicated players, so we usually do us four versus four computers.

  43. Also, I agree with Jamie's comment above on attaching.

  44. KITIARA IS SO CUTE! I think the name fits her perfectly.

  45. What What?
    Really? What's that mod called?

    Oh good point, you can totally play with fewer people huh?

  46. This is the most recent one: http://www.getdota.com/ai_maps

    You can even play it solo with computer allies and opponents if you want.

    As a warning though, by default they give the computer bonus experience. I think he's more than good enough without it, so typing "-ne" before hero selection disables that.

  47. Cool thanks!
    My roommate is playing dota now... going to spectate.
    From my room i can hear what sound slike.."coughing" (in the pokemon's voice)

  48. On the top picture, the black stripes around her eyes make it look like she has some egyptian eyemake up on! very fitting and cute!

  49. Uhoh, Kitara sounds like Chitara
