Today marks the ninth day I've been in Shanghai. I'm familiar enough with the surroundings now, but I don't think this city will always have something that'll stop me in my tracks and go: "Whatuh?!"
I'm going to keep taking pictures with my handy nokia (talk about brand loyalty) and hopefully remember why I took those pictures.
Exhibit A:
I believe dad was pointing to some restaurant far far away and saying: "Son, we gotta go eat there."
But I do remember where the picture was taken, and it's scary. Taking this picture caused me to experience a little vertigo.
Worthy note: the almond cookies sold at the 95th floor is worth buying. Very tasty. Also expensive I guess? My mental currency exchange is still fuzzy. 35rmb gets you two mcdonald meals...but also gets you 16 lamb kebabs. OR you can get delicious almond cookies. Yes, get that.
Well, tomorrow is my first day back at work! This should be fun...I've been looking forward to their cattiness my whole life.
Bring it.
Wow... those pictures are fantastic. I saved the Vertigo inducing one to my hard drive.