Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Seen it all before, a self dedication

Whether you're a square or a circle, learn to coexist smoothly.  Conflicts that aren't resolved lead to a mask of rage parasitically growing on you.  Before you know it, the mask becomes much too easy to put on and you start to wear it as naturally as your face.  All the good intentions in the world can't be seen or felt behind this mask.  Words come out differently.  Barbed, and sharper each time.  So sharp that it even hurts yourself before it leaves your mouth.  But the mask spews the words out anyway.

Until something has to give.

And you go your separate ways, but these holes never heal properly.  And the mask, it lurks and waits.

1 comment:

  1. ::shudders:: That is a truth that is well too understood by me.
