Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I haven't written in a long time.  Not seriously, not casually, not for anyone.

The paper trail of James has been sparse and negligible for quite some time now.  Some people capture moments through memorandums, souvenirs, keepsakes, relics, collectibles, t-shirts, photos, and even relationships.  I have a pretty poor memory myself.  The best I can hope for is that my experiences and reflections will somehow accumulate and guide me through this foggy existence.

What's been going on.

Overly pedantic, self-tortured, melodramatic thoughts regarding vocation, aptitude, and the never ending process of defining this so-called soul.

Completions lately.

Mass Effect 2.  After all these years, it always comes down to dialogue, choice, and interaction.  The memorable quotes poignantly delivered by the characters who make defining choices and the lasting impact of it all.  Star Wars, Planescape, Heinlein.

Portal.  Wanted to check this off for a long time.  Sequel is coming out soon.  I wonder if teleportation will make an appearance in FPS.  Or an RPG.  Lamentations for real life and the lemon that is Jumper.

And I've managed to meander my conscious completely away from what I want to record.  The mental block is much more formidable than I anticipated.

Maybe pinkberry will help.  (probably a lie.)

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